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 The saying "birds of a feather flock together" rings true when examining the impact of our social circle on achievement.

We aren't just influenced by, but also choose, the people we spend time with. This selection process shapes who we are and what we achieve.

Imagine you desire a better job, to become an entrepreneur, or simply make more money. Wouldn't surrounding yourself with individuals who share those aspirations be advantageous? The opposite holds true as well. Spending time with negative or unmotivated people can hinder your drive and success. Their negativity becomes contagious, slowly eroding your own ambition.

This concept is often phrased as "leveling up your circle." The idea is to be intentional about who you associate with. Seek out positive, ambitious individuals who share your desire for growth. Being around successful people who strive to "level up" in life can inspire you to do the same.

However, simply associating with successful people isn't a magic bullet. The concept of "providing value" is a two-way street. You need to offer something of value to your social circle in return. This doesn't necessarily mean financial wealth. It could be anything from knowledge and skills to a positive and encouraging attitude.

Not everyone starts with something valuable to offer. If you feel you lack value, the advice is to invest in yourself. Develop skills, gain knowledge, and become someone others want to have around. This self-improvement allows you to contribute meaningfully to your social circle.

A key point TO REMEMBER, is the importance of removing negative influences. NEGATIVE INFLUENCES refers to peopleor vices as "leeches" who drain your energy and limit your potential. Cutting ties with those who bring you down can be difficult, but ultimately necessary for your growth.

The core message is to foster a positive mindset. Walk with the "delusion of abundance" (believing in a world of opportunity) over the "delusion of scarcity" (believing there aren't enough opportunities).

By surrounding yourself with successful people and offering value in return, you can attract more opportunities and create your own abundance.

The people you choose to spend time with significantly impact your life. By surrounding yourself with positive, ambitious individuals and investing in your own growth, you create an environment that fosters success. Remember, you are not just a product of your own choices, but also the company you keep.

Neal Lloyd

 a feather flock together" rings true when examining the impact of our social circle on achievement.

We aren't just influenced by, but also choose, the people we spend time with. This selection process shapes who we are and what we achieve.

Imagine you desire a better job, to become an entrepreneur, or simply make more money. Wouldn't surrounding yourself with individuals who share those aspirations be advantageous? The opposite holds true as 

