You simply must have faith in yourselves. Nothing can be achieved until you first believe it can be done. It's like trying to find a tasty lunch without believing food exists.
You gotta believe it to see it, folks. Sometimes the easiest way to get what you want is to just start. Just take that first tiny step towards your goal, even if it's opening the fridge and staring at the leftover pizza.
You can do and be anything you want, no matter what. Even if you were raised by wolves who constantly told you your howling was subpar. Start believing today that you can achieve the impossible dream of being a functional human.
We all know what we want deep down - to finally catch that roadrunner, for example. But we don't do anything to actually chase it down! All the while, we're just standing around with doubting self-talk: "I'll never be fast enough, my legs are too stumpy, the coyote always fails anyway." News flash - with that attitude, you're never gonna get it!
Instead, envision how amazing your life will be when you finally sink your teeth into that tasty bird. Greatness isn't achieved by one massive feat, it's the tiny, consistent baby steps. Like steadily working on your roadrunner-catching skills by running face-first into painted tunnels on rocky cliffs. Those little steps add up over time to glorious achievement.
Amazing things happen when you believe in yourself. Your brain actively goes to work making it happen, even unconsciously plotting out schemesfor elaborate traps involving rocket-powered roller skates. Believe you can do it, put in the hard work, and that goal is yours!
We all have the same 24 hours in a day. If that scrawny birdbrain can outrun you, that's on you, bud. You want roadrunner meat bad enough, you'll make it happen.
(Wacky sound effects and zany cartoon dust clouds)
Don't need y'all to believe, because I'm here pouring my heart out regardless! Even if you've got that skeptical "nothing's gonna change" voice in your head, hear me loud and clear: Your belief system is incredibly powerful, so powerful it could practically drop an anvil on your head.
I came all this way from the Georgia desert to tell you - you were born for a reason! Not a mistake like your cousin Bambi who's just a deer (get it?). I know life feels rough sometimes, like you've been run over by a truck full of Acme products. But it won't always feel that way, I promise.
Your current crappy situation is not your permanent conclusion. There's so much more possibility inside you if you make up your mind to believe you can do great things. Even if those "great things" are just finally catching that roadrunner after years of failing spectacularly.
Think about where you are internally right now. Some of you are struggling, just trying to get by and make your families proud before they disown you. You want good grades but also want to look cool in front of your friends. And some of you feel totally isolated, like you're living in your own weird pocket dimension where nobody understands your plight as a coyote constantly walking into painted tunnels.
If you're seeking acceptance from others, make up your mind - whether they accept you or not, YOU ARE AMAZING. Believe in yourself, because if you live for other's approval, you'll die a little inside from their rejection.
And for those who feel lost and disconnected, the worst thing you can do is wallow in that dark place alone. Don't let it push you into a gloomy cave!