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Ah, the sweet scent of a relationship going down the drain – a bouquet more pungent than a skunk's toupee. But fret not, my friends, for the signs are as clear as a drunk trying to recite the alphabet backwards. Brace yourselves for a wild ride through the twisted tales of toxic togetherness!

First up, the classic: "She's about as supportive as a wet paper bag in a hurricane." If your better half couldn't prop you up with aforklift, it's time to peace out faster than a vegan at a barbecue joint. Forget Chris Gardner's wife – she's the gold standard for supportive soulmates, while your girl's cheering you on like a mime at a library.

Next, the dreaded "Ex-Factor." If her former flame is still hotter in her mind than a jalapeno in a sauna, you're basically a rebound – and not the kind that gets you slam-dunking basketballs. Nope, you're more like the sad, squeaky noise the ball makes when it hits the court. Ouch!

Then there's the "Too Busy" boogie, where she's more elusive than Bigfoot at a dance recital. If she's dodging you like a pro wrestler avoids personal hygiene, it's time to lay the smackdown and demand some answers. Ignoring it is like trying to ignore a hungry bear in your kitchen – sooner or later, something's gonna get mauled.

But wait, there's more! How about the "Me, Myself, and I" syndrome, where she's more self-absorbed than a black hole at a vacuum cleaner convention? If you're living in Selfish City, population: her, it's time to pack your bags and catch the next train out of Narcissist-ville.

And let's not forget the classic "Blame Game," where you're the scapegoat more often than a goat at a scapegoat convention. If she's passing the buck like a hot potato at a spud-juggling contest, run, my friend, run! Being a perpetual punching bag is only fun if you're into that sort of thing (and let's be honest, most of us aren't).

Last but not least, the "Trouble Magnet." If your girl's a walking danger zone, drawing more trouble than a wet cat in a room full of rocking chairs, it's time to hit the ejection seat before you end up sleeping with the fishes – literally. A baddie ain't worth a body bag, my dudes.

So there you have it, folks – the signs that your relationship is about as healthy as a deep-fried stick of butter. Heed the warnings, or risk becoming a cautionary tale more tragic than a clown at a funeral. Stay wise, stay vigilant, and most importantly, stay away from toxic relationships like they're a plague-ridden skunk in a phone booth. Peace out, my brothers!


